The Romanian government is currently in the process of awarding new exploration licences which could yet revitalise exploration, and subsequently production, in the basin.
June 6, 2023
Europe - East
Europe - Central
The CBB lies in northern Bulgaria and southern and eastern Romania, bounded coincidentally by the Romania‐Ukraine national border to the north, the Transylvania Basin and Carpathian Mountains on the west and Moldavia and the Black Sea to the east. The western and northern parts of the province are dominated by a series of extensive nappes that form much of the Carpathian Mountains chain, while in the eastern and southern parts the geology is characterised by a relatively stable structural platform containing several intraplatform basins; hydrocarbons have been principally associated with the northern and western areas of the CBB.
Although complicated, the geology of the basin is well understood and despite being a relatively mature hydrocarbon province a number of areas remain underexplored.
Source: ESRI, BGS, USGS & OGA data
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