While highly prospective, the gas prone nature of the basin, undermines its attractiveness, which is further undermined by the variable security situation due to the basin straddling Libyan maritime boundary.
June 18, 2024
Europe - Mediterranean
Onshore & Offshore
The PGNB encompass a series of generally northwest–southeast trending horsts and grabens, created by cyclical rifting, subsidence, and post rift thermal sag, beginning in the Triassic and continuing into the Neogene. Major petroleum source rocks deposited in the PGNB reflects the deposition and maturity complexity. Silurian source rocks have been reached by drilling in the Tunisian offshore part of the PGNB and known to exist immediately to the south in the Ghadames Basin. Spatial variations in deposition and kitchen conditions has resulted in a complex pattern of source-rock thermal maturity across the PGNB. However, the extent of gas occurrence appears to be more extensive in the offshore compared to the onshore portions.
The PGNB's location (offshore Malta, Libya and Tunisia) has made explorations difficult, and the gaseous nature of the source rocks has undermined attractiveness still further..
Source: ESRI, BGS, USGS & OGA data
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