Public opinion in both countries is against oil & gas onshore exploration, it is difficult to see a future for the Basin in the medium to longer-term.
September 23, 2023
Europe - North West
Onshore & Offshore
The APB is a large geological basin of sedimentary rocks. It overlies geological strata disturbed by the Variscan orogeny and forms a broad shallow bowl in which successive marine deposits from throughout periods from the Triassic to the Pliocene were laid down, their extent generally diminishing with time. Based on analysis of fossils recognised in the Paris Basin strata divided the Tertiary into three ages he named the Pliocene, the Miocene and the Eocene. To the west, the strata folded by the Variscan rise from below the more recent marine deposits in the hills of Brittany and, to the east, the Ardennes, Hunsrück and Vosges. To the south, it borders on the Massif Central and the Morvan. To the north, its strata link into those of the bed of the English Channel and south-eastern England.
The Basin remains underexplored in both France & the UK, especially offshore. However, accumulation sizes are minimal, and eco warriors are unlikely to allow for further exploration of the onshore portions.
Source: ESRI, BGS, USGS & OGA data
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