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The announcement of the Finch ruling (20 June 2024) has staggered many, not because it materially changes anything that operators do at the planning stage, but because it is perceived to be yet another stick with which to beat the industry with. The issue now is that this underlines what many have believed, that there is open hostility to oil & gas, which can only adversely impact the sector as a whole. Labour's EPL tax raid has underlined the fact that the government is out of its depth, and resembles a banana republic, where its ministers can push personal zealotry, instead of pursuing policies that create a stable and attractive investment environment. It would seem as if its policy makers are no longer remotely interested in a balanced energy matrix. This, however, is not without its merits. Whereas we have previously we have described the outlook as "terminal," we now believe that this is becoming more widely seen as a fool's errand, not least because it does nothing to mitigate the demand side. While we are reiterating our Negative outlook, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but there is no guarantee that it is not an oncoming train.
January 11, 2025
Europe - North West
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Western Europe island between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea; northwest of France.
The fiscal regime that applies in the United Kingdom (UK) to the oil and gas industry consists of a combination of corporation tax, supplementary charge, petroleum revenue tax and the Energy Profits Levy, which currently has a March 2028 sunset clause.
The terms of the UK’s future relationship with the EU seem to be improving with the "Windsor Agreement," but just because there are rules, doesn't mean that the EU will follow them, so the jury is still out. UK legal, regulatory, and accounting systems are transparent and consistent with international standards. The UK legal system provides a high level of protection and private ownership is protected by law and monitored for competition-restricting behaviour.
Source: ESRI, Heritage Index, HMG Foreign & Commonwealth Office, US Department of State, International Trade Administration, International Law Review, Ernst & Young, Wood Makenzie & OGA data.
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