Russia has become a pariah state following its invasion of the Ukraine, meaning that there is little faith that the rule of law will be upheld. While there will be excellent returns from investing once this is remedied, there is little to be gained when comparison is made with other jurisdictions.
June 18, 2024
Former Soviet Union
The CBPB is one of a number of basins that comprise Barents Basin ("BRTB"). The BRTB is a sedimentary basin between the Kola Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, bordered by the Timan-Pechora Basin to the south, the Murmansk Rise and Murmansk Plateau to the west, the Admiralty High and the island of Novaya Zemlya to the east, and rise of Franz Josef Land to the north. The development of the Basin began in the late Palaeozoic and continuing through to the early Cretaceous, with the sediments sourced from the Pangaea supercontinent. These underlie the current BRTB which was created during the break-up of Pangaea. Beginning in the Cretaceous a rift zone opened between the Baltic Plate and the Siberian Plate, parallel to and west of the old Ural Mountains suture zone.
While well defined, it is relatively under explored due to its location. There is significant resistance to oil & gas exploration due to environmental concerns.
Source: ESRI, BGS, USGS & OGA data
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