Russia has become a pariah state following its invasion of the Ukraine, meaning that there is little faith that the rule of law will be upheld. While there will be excellent returns from investing once this is remedied, there is little to be gained when comparison is made with other jurisdictions.
June 18, 2024
Former Soviet Union
The VUB is generally coincident with the Volga-Ural regional high, a broad upwarp of the east-central part of the Russian (East European) platform. The central part of the province is occupied by the Tatar arch, which contains the major share of the oil fields of the province. The Perm-Bashkir arch forms the north-eastern part of the regional high, and the Zhigulevsko-Pugachev and Orenburg arches make up the southern part. These arches are separated from one another by elongate downwarps.
The VUB has been prolific, and despite the exploration and development to date, there remains significant exploration potential.
Source: ESRI, BGS, USGS & OGA data
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